Instructions Arno Final project paper order(SWK 5003)
Here is my final project paper order. Course Project paper order .It is a 10 page paper order. Please deliver it by Thursday  . Thank you

Please review the attachment for my unit 3 and unit 6 assignment papers .they are part of this class project paper./FP paper
 (You have written my assignment paper for this class)

1)Topic :Integrating theory into professional practice
2)Assignment Overview
This is the final course project. In two previous assignments, you first analyzed a chosen theory and then justified its application. Now, it is time to put it all together.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following EPAs and practice behaviors:
·         EPA 2.1.7: Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment.
o    PB 2.1.7.B: Critique and apply knowledge to understand a person and environment.
§  Related Assignment Criteria:
§  3. Critique and apply knowledge to understand a person and environment.
§  4For this assignment, you will draw on the work you did in previous assignments and integrate all you have learned into a clear and concise application of your chosen theory to the particular case of Joe the King. As with all assignments, it is vital to support the application of your chosen theory with scholarly research in the  library.
§  5. For your course project, you will select and apply one theory to a case study (the individuals and situations in the movie Joe the King) dealing with an individual or family. The theory you select should be one that you feel will be the most useful to you as you develop your social work practice. Ideas for specific theories can be found in your text or by searching the library.

4)Assignment Instructions
For this assignment you should:
·         Describe how the theory you selected can be used to guide the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation.
·         Explain how the theory guides social work practice both with individuals and families.
·         Integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge and practice wisdom.
·         Critique and apply knowledge to understand person and environment.
·         Provide documented examples that support the application of your chosen theory to this particular case study.
·         Select at least 3 theories .Compare. Explain why you sleeted this theory for Joe the King case? Strengths and weakness of your selected theories
Evaluate the cultural competence of the theory.
.a) Critique and apply knowledge to understand person and environment
b) Provide documented examples that support the application of the selected theory to a particular case study.(please make up some examples for me)
 (All my papers are based on Joe the King case)
For your final course project, you will be expected to:
·         Describe the key components of the theory you selected.
·         Critically evaluate the theory, citing academic resources to support your evaluation.
·         Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your selected theory, using examples to support your discussion.
·         Evaluate the cultural competence of the theory.
·         Describe how this topic impacts human behavior and development at an individual or family level.
·         Apply your selected theory to the case study.
·         Discuss why you believe the theory you selected will be the most useful to you in your social work practice.
·  Apply knowledge to understand person and environment. Apply to Joe the King and his family members
6)Note to the writer (Very Important)
·         Writer please note you have written discussion papers for me for this class earlier weeks and also wrote my assignment 1 paper that was the foundational paper of this course. You selected Paigot’s Theory .However, please note no paper is just about the theory itself only, or just about the Paigot theory. Read the Assignment Overview of the paper(2)above
·         You have to write the paper keeping in mind what the details and overview is  asking .How that theory best fits or applies to Joe the King family? ,to Joe and his family members And why?  Describe how the theory you selected can be used to guide the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation? How the theory guides social work ?
·         “You are Integrating Theory Into Professional Practice”(Social work/therapist)

MMMust conclude the paper with a Summery.

7) Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:
·         Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
·         APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
·         Number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

8) References/Resources
In Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment, review:
·         Chapter 8, "Social Influences on Human Behavior, " pages 147–168.
·         Article: "Major Life Phases Influencing Human Behavior: Childhood,.

Internet Resources
·         Visit the Talaris Institute and check out the resources available for professionals. Make a list of five resources related to child development that you can use once you are out in the field.
You will use this movie as the case study for your Integrating Theory Into Professional Practice course project.
Brown, G., & Desforges, C. (1979). Piaget's theory: A psychological critique. Routledge.
Cassidy, J., & Berlin, L. J. (1994). The insecure/ambivalent pattern of attachment: Theory and research. Child Development65(4), 971-991
Dasen, P. R. (1994). Cultural and cognitive development from a Piagetian perspective. Chapter 21. Retrieved from <>
Lourenco, O., & Machado, A. (1996). In defense of Piaget’s theory: A reply to 10 common critics. Psychological Review103(1), 143-164.
Lundahl, B. W., & Hull, G. (2014). Applied human behavior in the social environment. New York: Pearson Education.
Mangan, J. (1978). Piaget’s theory and cultural differences. The case for value-based modes of cognition. Hum Dev21, 170-189.
McLeod, S.A. (2017). Erik Erikson. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
McLeod, S.A. (2008). Psychosexual stages. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
Ojose, B. (2008). Applying Piaget’s theory of cognitive development to mathematics instruction. The Mathematics Educator18(1), 26-30
Perry, B.D. Bonding and attachment in maltreated children: Consequences of emotional neglect in childhood  CTA Parent and Caregiver Education Series  Volume 1: Issue 3, ChildTrauma Academy Press  1999  
Piaget, J. (1976). Piaget’s theory. In Piaget and his school (pp. 11-23). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Toppelberg, C. O., & Collins, B. A. (2010). Language, culture, and adaptation in immigrant children. Child Adolescence Psychiatr Clin N Am19(4), 697-717.


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